Molinette Hospital
Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino
Aula Lenti – Scienze Mediche
PRESIDENT – P. Gontero
Università degli Studi di Torino
Provider accreditato Age.Na.S. N. 173
Symposia Organizzazione Congressi Srl
Provider accreditato Age.Na.S. N. 486
Piazza Campetto 2/8 – 16123 Genova
8.30 Welcome and Introduction P. Gontero, M. Airoldi, U. Ricardi
9.00-10.00 Live surgery session 1
Moderators: M. Brausi, A. Lapini
Theatre coordinator: F. Soria, B. Lillaz
Theatre A: En bloc resection with Thulium Laser M. Moschini
Theatre B: Totally laparoscopic extraperitoneal NUT – Port placement and retroperitoneal access P. Gontero, M. Allasia
Lectures – Session 1
Moderators V. Ficarra, A. Volpe
10.00 Lecture: “The importance of the high-quality TUR” B. Pradere
10.15 Lecture: “Intermediate risk NMIBC: a clinical dilemma” A. Antonelli
10.30 Lecture: “New horizons in the treatment of BCG-unresponsive NMIBC” F. Soria
10.45 Discussion
11.00-12.00 Live surgery session 2
Moderators: G. Simone, A. Tubaro
Theatre A: KSS for low-risk UTUC: new technologies A. Bosio
Theatre B: Totally laparoscopic extraperitoneal NUT – Distal ureter and bladder cuff P. Gontero, M. Allasia
12.00 Lecture: “KSS: from patients’ selection to adjuvant treatment and follow up” R. Naspro
12.15 Round table: Milestones in primary management of NMIBC A. Tubaro, A. Lapini, P. Gontero
– Introduction: points of controversies (results of a National survey)
Flash lectures (5 min each):
+ Standard of care in diagnosis of BC 2023 A. Tubaro
+ BCG when and how A. Lapini
+ Optimal use of intravesical chemotherapy A. Lapini
Discussion: is BCG shortage still a problem?
12.45 Discussion
13.00 Lunch
Lectures – Session 2
Moderators: M. Airoldi, P. Giannatempo, M. Brausi
14.00 Lecture: “Neoadjuvant vs Adjuvant systemic therapy in high-risk UTUC” M. Icardi
14.15 Lecture: “Bladder sparing strategies after NAC: fact or fiction?” G. Simone
14.30 Lecture: “Surgery for oligometastatic bladder cancer: where do we stand” V. Ficarra
14.45 Discussion
Lectures – Session 3
Moderators: C. Ortega, A. Tubaro, U. Ricardi
15.00 Lecture: “High risk MIBC treated with RC: is it NAC sufficient?” D. Raggi
15.15 Lecture: “The optimal candidate for TMT” G. Iorio
15.30 Lecture: “Current role of immunotherapy in MIBC” C. Ortega
15.45 Discussion
16.00 Round Table: “Difficult cases in urothelial cancer” C. Fiori, A. Porreca, G. Iorio
16.45 Lecture: New treatment options in metastatic bladder cancer P. Giannatempo
17.00 Lecture: The role and current positioning of PaLiNUro Association in Italy E. Fiorini
17.15 Conclusions M. Airoldi, P. Gontero, U. Ricardi
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Symposia Organizzazione Congressi Srl
Piazza Campetto 2/8
16123 Genova
Tel. 010 255146 r.a.
P.IVA 03849570100