The meeting aims to discuss the main changes that have occurred in recent years in the care of women with gynecological cancer.
Evidence-based medicine represents a cornerstone of the physician of the new millennium, and thanks to the refinement of diagnostic techniques and with the increasingly sophisticated technologies, compared to the past, can look with more confidence to a personalized medicine for the various categories of women.
The innovations of genomics and molecular markers are making possible a more “precise” treatment strategies that are increasingly dedicated and modulated for each individual woman.
Precision medicine is making great strides not only in surgery, but also in the management of hereditary-familial syndromes associated with ovarian or uterine cancers. The opportunity of analyzing the genetic heritage of each individual can indeed allow to identify an personalized therapeutic strategy with likely a greater chances of success.
There are therefore many answers already given, but many questions remain open and debated.
Tuesday, May 23rd
7:30 Registration
8:00 Introductory Remarks and Authority Greetings Alessandro Buda, Pedro T Ramirez
Authority Greetings
Session 1: Ovarian Cancer
Moderators Alessandro Buda, Nadeem Abu-Rustum
8:30-9:00 Keynote Lecture: Personalized surgery in ovarian cancer Giovanni Scambia
9:00-9:40 Ultrasound Updates in Gynecologic Oncology
Intraoperative Imaging & Radiomics Ultrasound Antonia Testa, Francesca Ciccarone
9:40-10:00 Upfront Surgery: Strategies for Best Patient Selection Giovanni Aletti
10:00-10:30 Questions & Discussion
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
Moderators Giovanni Scambia, Pedro T Ramirez
11:00-11:20 Ovarian Cancer Surgery in the PARP Inhibitor Era Francesco Raspagliesi
11:20-11:40 HIPEC and Ovarian cancer: Future Standard of Care or Not Giuseppe Vizzielli
11:40-12:00 Secondary Cytoreductive Surgery in Ovarian Cancer: GOG213 vs DESKTOP III Mauro Signorelli
12:00-13:20 Novel Therapeutics in Ovarian Cancer: An Expert Roundtable Discussion
Moderators Paolo Zola, Cinzia Ortega
12:00-12:20 Molecular profile as predictor of medical treatment in first line setting of advanced ovarian cancer Ketta Lorusso
12:20-12:40 Immunotherapy in ovarian cancer: a new treatment landscape? Annamaria Ferrero
12:40-13:00 The role of morphology in the era of precision medicine Gianfranco Zannoni 13.00:13.20 Updates on genetic risk and prevention in gynecologic oncology Robert Fruscio
13:20-13:30 Questions & Discussion
13:30-14:30 Lunch
Session 2: Endometrial Cancer
Moderators Pedro T. Ramirez, Francesco Raspagliesi
14:30-15:00 Keynote Lecture: Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Endometrial Cancer Nadeem Abu Rustum
15:00-15:20 Evolution of Endometrial Cancer Surgery Alessandro Buda
15:20-15:40 Robotic Surgery in Endometrial Cancer Natalia Rodriguez
15:40-16:00 OSNA and Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy: Updates and future perspective Francesco Fanfani
16:00-16:10 Questions & Discussion
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
Moderators Alessia Reali, Marco Pagano
16:40-17:00 The Molecular Classification: The Pathologist View Gianfranco Zannoni
17:00-17:20 Molecular Testing at Primary Diagnosis: Impact on clinical management Nadeem Abu Rustum
17:20-17:40 Modulation of Adjuvant Treatment Based on Molecular Classification Mauro Signorelli
17:40-18:00 Updates on Radiotherapy in Management of Endometrial Cancer Giuseppe D’Agostino
18:00-18:10 Questions & Discussion
18.10 End of the day
Wednesday May 24th
Session 3: Cervical Cancer
Moderators Nadeem Abu-Rustum, Chiara Benedetto
8:30-9:00 Keynote Lecture: Risk Factor Considerations in Early Cervical Cancer: Gaps and Inconsistencies Pedro T Ramirez
9:00-9:20 Conservative Approach in Early Cervical Cancer David Cibula
9:20-9:40 Parametrial Involvement and Cervical Cancer Surgery Francesco Raspagliesi
9:40-10:00 Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping in Early-stage Cervical Cancer David Cibula
10.00 – 10.20 New Standard of Care in Surgery for Cervical Cancer: Updates after the LACC Trial Pedro T Ramirez
10:20-10:50 Keynote Lecture: Gynecological cancer and hormonal problems; fertility, contraception and menopause Alberto Revelli
10:50-11:00 Questions & Discussion
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Session 4: ERAS in Gynecologic Oncology
Moderators Pedro T Ramirez, Francesco Fanfani
11:30-12:00 Keynote Lecture: Implementation of an ERAS Program and Outcomes in Europe David Cibula
12:00 -12:20 Perspectives from a General Surgeon Stefano Berti
12:20-12:40 ERAS Program at Ferrero: A Prospective Prehabilitation Protocol Proposal Stefania Perotto, Cloè Dalla Costa
12:40-13:00 ERAS in Gynecologic Oncology: Updates on Implementation & Outcome Pedro T Ramirez
13:00-13:30 Questions & Discussion
13:30-14:30 Lunch
Session 5: Updates on Ongoing Trials in Gynecologic Oncology
Moderators Pedro T Ramirez, Elisa Tripodi
14:30-15:00 Keynote Lecture: New frontiers in advanced or recurrent gynecological cancer to build personalized therapy Enrico Vizza
15:00-15:20 Advanced and Recurrent Cervical Cancer Elisa Tripodi
15:20-15:40 Advanced and Recurrent Endometrial Cancer Elisa Piovano
15:40- 16:00 Advanced and Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Roldano Fossati
16:00-16:20 Ongoing Surgical Trials in Gynecologic Cancer Ignacio Zapardiel
16.20-16.40 Questions & Discussion
16.40 – 17.10 Closing Remarks Alessandro Buda, Pedro T Ramirez
17.00 End of the Congress
CME Test on line
Sede del Corso
Ospedale Michele e Pietro Ferrero
Via Tanaro 7
Verduno (CN)
Il corso è stato accreditato per 160 partecipanti.
Responsabile Scientifico
Alessandro Buda
Segreteria Scientifica
Rosalba Giacchello
Presidenti del Corso
Alessandro Buda, Ospedale Michele e Pietro Ferrero, Verduno, Italy
Pedro T Ramirez, Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, USA
Webinar Live from Michele e Pietro Ferrero Hospital
10 MAY 2023, from 9.00 to 16.00
This will be a one-day webinar with formal didactic session and live surgery during hysterectomy for benign disease and early stage endometrial cancer.The live session will include live didactics of the different techniques of pelvic and retroperitoneal dissection with sentinel lymph node biopsy, with a focus on the use of new technologies and innovations in gynecologic oncology that will then be covered during the international congress on May 23 and 24 at Ferrero Hospital in Verduno.Speakers a surgons directly from Ferrero Hospital will be Dr. Alessandro Buda and Professor Francesco Fanfani from Policlinico Gemelli in Rome and, connected from MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Professor Pedro Tomas Ramirez, co-director of the May meeting and editor in chief of the International Journal of Gynecological Cancer.
9.00 – 13.00 Live surgery from OR A. Buda, F. Fanfani
Minimally invasive surgery traditional or robotic assisted with Da Vinci:
> A case o simple hysterectomy for benign disease
> Stage I endometrial cancer with sentinel node biopsy with indocyanine green (ICG)The focus of the live surgeries will be the anatomic dissection of the pelvis and retroperitoneum.
The surgeons will show the different techniques of dissection based on their different approach to
the anatomic uterine landmarks and retroperitoneal approaches as establish from international consensus.
13.00 – 14.00 Break
14.00 -16.00 Formal didactic lectures
Moderator: P. T. Ramirez
• F. Fanfani: the OSNA concept in endometrial cancer and laparoscopic surgical anatomy of retroperitoneum.
• A. Buda: Lymphatic drainage pathways of the uterine body and development of competency assessment tool for sentinel lymph node biopsy by minimally invasive surgery in cervical and endometrial cancer.
L’acquisizione dei crediti ECM prevede la compilazione del questionario di verifica dell’apprendimento in modalità online.
Il questionario sarà attivo per 72 ore a partire dal termine dell’evento.
Modalità per la compilazione del questionario ECM online:
Potrebbe essere richiesto di aggiornare i dati personali sul profilo prima di accedere al “QUESTIONARIO ONLINE”.
Si raccomanda di compilare il questionario di gradimento e di rispondere a tutte le domande prima di confermare (ogni domanda senza risposta viene considerata errore).
E’ ammesso un solo tentativo.
Si rammenta ai partecipanti all’evento che l’acquisizione dei crediti formativi ECM è subordinata all’effettiva partecipazione ad almeno il 90% del programma formativo ed alla verifica del test di apprendimento (superamento del questionario con una percentuale di risposte corrette
non inferiore al 75% del totale delle domande).
I certificati ECM saranno spediti via e-mail dopo l’invio del consuntivo Age.Na.S., entro il termine stabilito di 90 giorni dalla fine dell’evento
Quote di iscrizione:
Medico Euro 400,00 + IVA
Medico Socio SIEOG Euro 280 + IVA
Medico Socio AOGOI Euro 280 + IVA
Ostetriche, Infermieri, Specializzandi Euro 100,00 + IVA
La quota di iscrizione comprende: Partecipazione ai lavori scientifici, kit congressuale, attestato di partecipazione, coffee break e lunch come da programma
L’iscrizione al Congresso darà diritto alla partecipazione gratuita al Webinar pre congressule del 10 maggio 2023
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