Breast cancer is the most frequent tumor type in women and it is increasingly characterized by different subtypes, for which the therapeutic panorama is increasingly enriched requiring constant updating for HCPs involved in the evolution of the curative and therapeutic path of patients. Improvement in screening programs and advancements in therapeutic options in the curative setting require increasing attention on topics related to.
Every woman with cancer interested in or considering fertility preservation should have access to timely & appropriate counselling and treatment.
This meeting has the objective of sharing best practices
16:00 – 16:05: Introduction – welcome and objectives – Matteo Lambertini
16:05 – 16:20: Building an oncofertility unit: the oncologist’s perspective – Lucia Del Mastro
16:25 – 16:40: Building an oncofertility unit: the gynecologist’s perspective – Paola Anserini
16:40 – 16:50: Recorded video on clinical lab activities in oncofertility
Paola Scaruffi, Sara Stigliani
16:50 – 17:05: Building a research lab in oncofertility
Matteo Lambertini, Paola Scaruffi, Sara Stigliani
17:05 – 17:15: Question & Answer
17:15 – 17:55: Challenging clinical experiences from the IRCCS
Ospedale Policlinico San Martino University of Genova
Presenters: Francesca Poggio, Claudia Massarotti
Panel: Lucia Del Mastro, Paola Anserini, Paola Scaruffi, Sara Stigliani,
Francesca Poggio, Claudia Massarotti, Matteo Lambertini
17:55 – 18:00: closing and take-home messages – Matteo Lambertini
Registration free of charge
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Symposia Organizzazione Congressi Srl
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Tel. 010 255146 r.a. – Fax 010 2770565
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