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Hands On Training Course
Endoscopic Surgical Procedures Lower Urinary Tract
Focus on Laser Enucleation

Aim of the course
Learn about tips and tricks in EEP in lectures and directly in the “Hands on Lab”.
Learn about the different surgical approach to this technique and the advantages it provides in BPH management.
Learn about new developments in different lasers.

The first day the 4 attendees will attend a theoretical and a practical session on the EEP procedures they will experience in the theatre in the second day.


1st day
14.00   Welcome and presentation of the course Giorgio Bozzini
14.15   EEP: Indication to the procedure Andrea Pacchetti
14.30   Surgical Technique Mattia Rossini
14.45   Tips and tricks, Complications of the procedure Davide Perri
15.00   Break

15.30   Hands on cases on PC based simulators Giorgio Bozzini
17.30   TEST challenge (the fastest EEP) tutor Andrea Pacchetti, Mattia Rossini, Davide Perri

2nd day
The 4 attendees will perform a ThuLEP, HoLEP and ThuFLEP procedure helped by Faculties in the morning.

7.30-14.00 Theatre Giorgio Bozzini, Andrea Pacchetti, Mattia Rossini, Davide Perri


Responsabile scientifico
Dott. Giorgio Bozzini

Dott. Giorgio Bozzini
Dott. Andrea Pacchetti
Dott. Davide Perri
Dott. Mattia Rossini

S.C. Urologia, Ospedale Sant’Anna, Como


L’iscrizione prevede: partecipazione alle sessioni teoriche e pratiche, accesso diretto in sala operatoria per assistere e commentare gli interventi insieme ai tutor, pernottamento e cena del corso.

Per ricevere informazioni dettagliate su come partecipare, si prega di scrivere una mail a c.rinaldi@symposiacongressi.com


Symposia Organizzazione Congressi Srl
Piazza Campetto 2/8
16123 Genova

Tel. 010 255146 r.a.

P.IVA 03849570100

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